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White Roses Pop-Up Flower Bouquet Card

Roses are not always red. And they don't have to wither either. Give this bouquet of gorgeous white roses and your loved one can enjoy this greeting card all year long.

A graceful bouquet of pop up White Roses is a thoughtful gift for the most special of occasions. Roses are a flower of emotion and these rare white blossoms symbolize purity and love. Free from harmful chemicals, this elegant arrangement shows pure intentions for both the receiver and the planet. Paper bouquets cut back on carbon emissions and work to beautify the planet - one heartfelt flower at a time. Share your blessings with a bouquet that never wilts and is a long-lasting reminder of your good wishes.

  • Includes:  bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
  • Measures approx 12" high by 9" across
  • It takes just 4 forever stamps to mail via USPS
  • For every bouquet purchased, we plant a tree in your honor
  • Flowers and envelope are 100% recyclable paper

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